Lillias White - Chalia La Tour - Blake Morris - Mario Sprouse, Producer - Mary Miller, Author - Pat Golden, Director (n/p) Jane Bruce - Mary Testa - Adam Couperwaite Rehearsal NYC Feb. 2024
On Thursday, February 22, 2024, in New York City, NY, SOUNDS OF THE CITY MUSIC & Mario Sprouse in conjunction with Sharon Fallon Productions presented the reading of Mary Miller's play WITNESS.
WITNESS tells the story of two families (one White and one Black), living in two different cities (Detroit and Harlem) in one play that happens simultaneously in 1991 that fractures how we look at race, class, and social justice today.
The cast included: Lillias White* (Hadestown) Mary Testa* (Oklahoma) Jane Bruce* (Harry Potter...) Chalia La Tour* (Slave Play) Blake Morris* ( Ain't No Mo) Adam Couperthwaite (No Snake in This Grass)
Directed by: Pat Golden (ONAJE)
Casting Director: Katja Zarolinski CSA
Production Stage Manager: Kai Stanton*
General Management: Sharon Fallon Productions
Producer: Sounds of the City Music & Mario Sprouse
*all Actors and Stage Managers appear courtesy of Actors' Equity Association
SPECIAL DEDICATION TO GORDON PARKS ... "Without his encouragement I never would have started this journey." Mary Miller
"Congratulations on a brilliant play!"
"On Thursday, October 28, 2021 at the Historic Marble Collegiate Church in New York City there was a staged reading of this powerful and timely play WITNESS written by Mary Miller. It was directed by Pat Golden and sponsored by The Theatre Upstairs - Downstairs at Marble. WITNESS is an important and necessary play in this era of divisiveness. Mary Miller's narrative technique is genius and something I will never forget."
Arts Ministry at Marble Collegiate Church
Picture Credit: Douglas Powers
In April 2020 Mary Miller's play WITNESS was honored as a semifinalist in the Eugene O'Neill National Playwrights Conference, where her voice as a writer was given a "full-throated endorsement" by the O'Neill committee and "her ideas recognized as vital to the continual evolution of American Theater."
Wendy C. Goldberg - Artistic Director
Lexy Leuszler - Literary Manager
Ferris Wheel